Pieter Codde

Pieter Codde


Reserved, patient, yet razor-sharp in his depictions of his contemporaries, that was Pieter Codde. He was a tempestuous personality, fiery, and often embroiled in controversy. That makes his precise paintings even more extraordinary. A special place in the fun part of art.

The life of Pieter Codde

Pieter Jacobszoon Codde was born in Amsterdam in December 1599. He came from an Amsterdam family; his father, Jacob Pieterszoon Codde, worked in the harbor, while his mother, Maria Jansdochter, came from a humble background. It's possible that his father worked his way up from a dockworker to a ship's captain, thus acquiring some wealth. Pieter Codde could afford an education as a painter, and according to some biographers, he studied under Barent van Someren. However, Pieter Codde must have had early contact with Frans Hals as well.

In 1623, Pieter Codde married Marritje Aerentsdochter, who was likely from Hoorn; she is also referred to as Marritje Schildt. Her father had a hat-making business in Amsterdam. Their marriage was not a happy one, as Pieter had it dissolved in 1636, citing Marritje's infidelity. Interestingly, she then moved in with the painter Pieter Potter, the father of Paulus Potter. Did she have an affair with Potter? It also reveals the kind of connections the couple had. Before their divorce, an inventory of their possessions was made, which showed that Pieter Codde owned a considerable amount of art, including works by Jan van Goyen, Adriaen Brouwer, and Willem Duyster. It is likely that Pieter also earned money as an art dealer.

Willem Duyster had been a friend of his. In 1625, the two young men attended a party at Barent van Someren's house, but things took a turn for the worse. A quarrel broke out, and during the altercation, Pieter threw a jug at his friend's head. Stories about him suggest that Pieter Codde had a volatile temper. He was successful as an artist and financially comfortable but passed away somewhat lonely in 1678. He left his possessions to his servant.

Works of Pieter Codde

Pieter Codde's paintings are cool and composed. They stand out because of their unique style. His turbulent character is not reflected in his work, which demonstrates great discipline and a somewhat detached, contemplative perspective. It could be said that Pieter Codde found his tranquility in painting.

Pieter Codde & the fun part of art

The genre scenes by Pieter Codde combine (apparent) realism and symbolism. Discover Pieter Codde with the fun part of art.